The Blizzard of 2013


In my driveway during blizzard of 2013!


From the church ramp during blizzard of 2013.

The Post Office prides itself in not letting weather or anything else get in the way of getting their job done, so it has been with us!  This month we had a pretty impressive blizzard dump nearly two feet of snow in our area.  In spite of it all, we gave it our best and work diligently during the storm to press on with our renovation.  I love the winter time. I love snow storms, though I must admit I don’t like them on church days.  As I see the the beauty of a fresh blanket of snow, I am reminded of what the psalmist said in Psalm 51:7–“…..wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”  The Lord good to give us wonderful reminders of His goodness to us!  In this blizzard, the Lord gave us much to remind us!!