We had a great revival services this week! The Bible says to draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. That was the goal of this week. Four days of services with four guest pastors preaching the Word of God. The really neat thing about having four different preachers is that the only one who knows what is going to be preached is the Holy Spirit. As you look back on the messages, you can see what the Spirit was working on in our church. On Sunday, Pastor Cal Fuller, former pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Londonderry, NH, and now of Winning New England for Eternity, preached about cutting some things out of our lives that are hindering us from serving the Lord as we should. On Monday night, Pastor Dave Carlson of Gospel Baptist Church in Manchester, NH, preached on meeting with God and having a strong devotional life in order to nurture revival. On Tuesday, Pastor Tom Faulk of First Baptist Church of Groton, MA, preached on the fields already white unto harvest, and how the Lord sees people. He challenged us to see others as Jesus sees them. Wednesday night was the grand finale, and Pastor Peter Chamberland of Granite State Baptist Church in Concord, NH, preached on desiring the fire. He preached a great message about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in Daniel Chapter 3. They were bound as they entered the fire, but were set free by the fire. God loves us and uses trials to free us from the things that hold us back from revival.
We had spirited congregational singing followed by excellent special music! Our song leader, Michael Prescott, played the guitar and sang “Jesus Pilots My Ship,” and “I’ve Been To Calvary.” A trio sang “My Life Is Yours To Control” and Michael sang “The Refiner’s Fire” with Ben Prescott at the piano. Lastly, the trio sang “Desire the Fire” on Wednesday night. The music prepared hearts for the great preaching to follow! We also had refreshments each night with lots of fellowship. I am grateful for the good attendance in each of the services. May it be that revival fires were kindled in our hearts, and we go into the summer months on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ, with a desire to serve Him with all of our hearts!

Pastor Ed Prescott and Pastor Tom Faulk